This is an honest question, as people everywhere are suddenly becoming increasingly aware of the existence of global warming, but do little to "help Earth". Many sources point to the fact that in 5 or 10 or 15 years the massive amount of damage done on our planet will not be reversible, or that in 50 years it will be the end of the world as we know it, the end of modern society... Most people are not acting as if this were the case, governments likewise. To what extent are we in danger of global warming today? And if we are not in danger, what is all the fuss about?
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Nowaday, it is impossible to refuse to see that we have a global warming issue. However, ecology becomes a political strategy. I think ecology is too important than be mobilized by one political party because it's a common good.
There are two opposite vision on the strategy to act if human want to reduce global warming effect. First one is the most famous and broadcast in the media. Companies have to reduce their carbone print for that we have to reduce our consumption and our comfort. Furthemore, experts and scholars say that car motor companies have to elecritfy their cars . The issue is electric cars are more expensive than petrol cars and if the number of electric cars increase we have to find the resource needed for this demand. One of this resource is nuclear but nuclear waste can have dramatic damage on our earth.
The second strategy is that some engineers find new technology which can be compatible with growth and ecology.