Graduating from university is becoming more and more normalised nowadays. Not only is it beneficial, it also is vital. One willing to enter the professional world without any college degree, will most likely get rejected by most firms due to a total lack of credibility.
Nevertheless, does a degree truly reflect an individual‘s capabilities ?
In the UK, many university degrees are obtained through assessments such as home assignments ( ie. essays, projects, etc ) with barely any real physical live examination as they would do in high schools.
Moreover, it has been reported that there is a growing number of students who, instead of completing their assignments on their own, pay someone else to complete the assignment on their behalf. Also, since the pandemic started, almost every university in the world operated with an “online exam“ format meaning students would sit the exams remotely with no real supervision as there would be in a physical exam. Due to the facts listed above, is it then easy to just “buy” education ?
As a student, I can testify that the pressure that we receive daily is enormous.
It is getting harder and harder to keep up with assignments
mainly because we are asses once or twice per modules. This means that failing one time will certainly significantly affect your overall grade. On the other hand, the courses that we are asked to follow are designed for in-person learning. Watching video is hugely time-consuming and not relevant for our grade. The universities' price appears less and less justified for the services; it creates a disillusioned feeling. Paying someone to help or write an examination is tempting because of the cost of education and each assignment's importance. In the UK system, there is no you will do better next time. You have only one chance, and your grades are non-negotiable. I understand people who pay for their exams, but it is too easy. Furthermore, it is incredibly unfair for other students.