While I personally support the fact that Trump's ban was a "necessary evil," one of my friends, who's from Europe, argues that the GAFAs are becoming more and more "Orwellian" in the sense that, anyone would doesn't fit in their ideology is banned and despised. I do not share his perspective but the question is interesting.
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The issue is GAFA must accept that they have an influence on people and by extent on politics decision . I think states have to classify them as lobbies. However, Twitter and Instagram say they are only platforms. I think when they forbid the last U.S president to communicate and speak , they completely lost their simple role of platform. I can hear the argument that they are private companies and they can do what they want but the issue is when a private company can be a threat for the sovereignty of a state, it's important to regulate it. For instance, when Standard Oil is become too powerful the U.S decided to dismantel in multiple companies. This operation was not easy for the U.S and they took several years before to succeed. Today, we are in the same situation with Twitter and Intagram.... The U.S have to break their oligopolies. Unfortunately, The U.S don't want to lose their competitivity with China (Alibaba, TIkTok). As well as the situation is not ready to move.
Yes, Instagram and Twitter advocate one ideology and have recently increase censorship on their platform. But they are not a "Ministry of Truth" simply because they are not a governmental agency. Government guarantee liberty of speech to some extend, private corporation are free to publish what they feel is appropriate, just like newspaper who endorse a candidate or an ideology. You can express yourself on a big social media platform, but it is not the only place you can do it.