At DecipherGrey, we publish original, impactful and disruptive articles written by world leaders, renowned scholars and driven citizens. So far, we have collaborated with prominent thinkers, ambassadors, politicians and members of the French, British, Canadian and European Parliament. This allows the NEWSROOM to display papers of outstanding quality.
Hence, VOICES 's columns have to meet a very high standard. Here are listed the major rules that must be applied by any contributor willing to write for DecipherGrey. Every contribution is reviewed and vetted by an editorial committee and may be modified for editorial purposes. Submissions that do not meet the below requirements will not be published on DecipherGrey.
I) Submission.
Columns should be around 1000 words.
An excerpt must be included - no more than 140 characters.
Contributions must be sent as Word documents (.docx) to DecipherGrey's email address.
Feel free to write on any political/social/economic topic as long as it relates to current matters. Have a look at what has already been published to grasp the platform's style.
II) Consistency.
We expect to receive articles on a weekly basis - every sunday.
III) Communication.
If time doesn't allow to deliver a piece on its due date, it needs to be told at least a week in advance - communication is key.
IV) Writing skills.
Contributions must be well-and professionally-written:
Journalistic format.
Coherent and structured sentences.
Minimal repetitions and the use of an extensive vocabulary.
No abbreviation ("we are" instead of "we're").
V) Neutrality.
Our aim is to publish in-depth and well-argumented analysis. Emotional or superficial arguments are not accepted. Every contribution is thoroughly reviewed and assessed by an editorial committee.
VI) References.
Papers, arguments and data must be referenced:
Sources are to be trustworthy and reliable (academic journals or trusted newspapers)
References must be hyperlinked in the text. Footnotes or any other citation style are not accepted.
VII) Originality.
We automatically assume and consider that every submission:
- Is original.
Has been written specifically and exclusively for DecipherGrey.
Has not been published elsewhere.
Will not be published elsewhere.
If any of these assumptions is not met, we must be informed so that we can act accordingly.
VII) Plagiarism.
Due caution must be exercised regarding plagiarism. As stated by the Office of Research Integrity, plagiarism includes, “theft or misappropriation of intellectual property and the substantial unattributed textual copying of another's work.” If plagirism is detected, submissions will not be considered for publication and columns will be removed from the platform (if noticed after its publication).
Any subject is worthy provided that it meets the above requirements.
Should you have any additional question, feel free to contact us.